Comparison of cheap SIM cards (talk + data)

I have used mineo(docomo), IIJmio, DTI SIM.
I recommend mineo, IIJmio, there was no problem at all.
On the other hand, I don’t recommend DTI SIM. It’s really slow and unkindly support service.

Current all services are not supported in English unfortunately.
You can buy them on Amazon English web site or ask your Japanese neighbors.


500MB ~ 6GB

[Price: JPY]

Eng 500MB 1GB 2GB 3GB 4GB 5GB 6GB
mineo (docomo) 1,400 1,500 1,600 2,280
mineo (au) 1,310 1,410 1,510 2,190
IIJmio * 1,600 2,220
DTI SIM 1,200 1,490 1,920
DMM mobile 1,260 1,380 1,500 1,910
Rakuten mobile * 1,600 2,150
OCN mobile one * 1,800 2,150
NifMo 1,340 1,600 2,300
Biglobe 2,150
U-mobile 2,980 1,580~
b-mobile 1,300 1,550 1,800 2,050 2,300
UQ mobile 1,680
Y-Mobile 2,980 3,980


6GB ~ Unlimited

[Price: JPY]

7GB 8GB 10GB 12GB 15GB 20GB Unlimited
mineo (docomo) 3,220
mineo (au) 3,120
IIJmio 3,260
DTI SIM 2,900
DMM mobile 2,560 2,680 2,890 4,300 5,980 1,140*
Rakuten mobile 2,960 1,250*
OCN mobile one 3,000 2,500
NifMo 3,500
Biglobe 3,400
U-mobile 5,980 2,980
UQ mobile 2,680
Y-Mobile 5,980


